- 地 址:深圳市羅湖區太白路松泉山莊19棟702
- 電 話:+86-755-25512007
- 傳 真:+86-755-25512007-2005
- 郵 箱:sales@conterway.com
安訊士AXIS M3105-L 網絡攝像機
借助內置紅外照明實現隱蔽的 HDTV 1080p 視頻監控
- 內置紅外照明
- HDTV 1080p 視頻質量
- 安訊士 Zipstream 技術
- 支持視頻分析
- 隱蔽且靈活
- 快速、簡便、經濟高效的安裝

憑借其內置紅外照明,AXIS M3105-L 非常適合光線有時太暗或照明不佳的情況。其創新的平面設計可抑制反光,能夠最大程度提高在黑暗中錄制時的圖像可用性。 AXIS M3105-L 還提供了寬動態獵影技術 (WDR),能夠在照度變化很大時(例如,外面是明亮日光而里面是暗淡光線的入口處)提供卓越的細節。
Axis quality at an attractive price
AXIS M3105-L gives you sharp HDTV 1080p image quality and a 115° field of view. It features Axis’ Zipstream technology, which greatly reduces storage and bandwidth needs, while capturing important details in full image quality. AXIS M3105-L also supports video analytics such as Video Motion Detection and Active tampering alarm. Thanks to the AXIS Camera Application Platform, you can also choose to install AXIS Cross Line Detection, and AXIS Digital Autotracking, as well as third-party analytics solutions such as people counting.

AXIS M3105-L 小而靈活,可根據需要安裝在墻壁或天花板上。其智能設計使攝像機可以重新上漆,從而融入任何環境。 該攝像機還有一系列附件,包括黑色外殼和各種安裝套件,這意味著可以將其安裝在幾乎任何地方。